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October 6, 2015

We, at Great Southern Homes, want to express our sincere condolences to those who have been affected by the unprecedented rain fall and flooding in our state. We are diligently working to respond to every phone call and email in regards to any damages caused by this catastrophic event. We are committed to making warrantable repairs as quickly as possible.

Some of the damages caused by the historic rainfall and flooding may or may not be covered by your StrucSure Home Warranty or Bonded Builders Home Warranty. If you are outside of your one year warranty period, please contact your insurance agent. If you are within your one year period, and experienced damages that were not a direct result of the extreme weather, please email If you have questions as to what is covered by your home warranty, please refer to your Homeowners Manual, or feel free to email us at

There are many families in need, so repairs may take longer than normal, but we will prioritize repairs based on urgency and will work hard to get them done as quickly as possible. Please be reminded to use caution when traveling, and to protect yourself, your family and your property when venturing out. Again, we thank you for your patience, and ask that you keep those who have suffered a devastating loss in your thoughts and prayers at this time.